85+ Foods that start with U (Dishes, Snack, Cocktail, Drinks, Healthy Foods, Vegetarian, Desserts)

The foods that start with U are very different from one another. They range from the very healthy, such as egg whites and yogurt, to the unhealthy, such as doughnuts and unagi sushi. Diabetes can be combated with many of these food items by controlling the sugar content.

The foods that start with U also offer a wide variety of tastes and textures which can help satisfy someone looking for flavor or texture change in their diet.

Foods that start with U

Foods that start with U

Dishes that start with U


The raw fish dish unagi has found popularity in the western world. White meat unagi can be served in a variety of ways including steamed or pan-fried, grilled, broiled, skewered, and deep-fried. 

The unagi can be served with rice or noodles and many different sauces to add flavor to the dish. The taste of the dish will vary depending on how it is prepared.


The thick wheat flour noodle udon is a popular dish in East and Southeast Asia. The thick noodles are served in a soup with various ingredients such as chicken, beef, or seafood. 

The soup can range from being clear to have a milky white color and many different seasonings can be added to give the dish a specific flavor.


Umeboshi is a Japanese pickled plum that has been dried. It can have many uses besides being eaten by itself because it will keep fresh for an extended period of time.



Ume jelly

Ume jelly is an Asian fruit that has been turned into a sweet jelly-like food item. The ume is commonly served in ice cream or as candy.

Urfa Chai is a Turkish type of tea made from freshly picked cardamom.

Uova di quaglia / quail eggs

Uova di Quaglia comes from a medium-sized bird called a quail. The egg white only egg is not only edible but delicious as well. The egg white only egg is used for omelets or salads. It can be used as an ingredient for savory dishes like frittata, pasta, and quiche.


Uzi is a type of Persian melon that looks like a melon with spines on the outside.



Uchiki kabocha (Japanese pumpkin)

Uchiki kabocha is a purple Japanese pumpkin that has white seeds on the bottom which give it its name. The pumpkin can be served boiled or roasted until cooked through.


The Japanese plum-like fruit ume is very common and is used as a filling for sushi and added to other foods such as Dango. The outside of the fruit has red skin and has fine flesh inside.


Essentially, uni and sea urchin roe are the same thing. Uni can be very expensive in some restaurants but it is increasingly easy to find on sushi menus for reasonable prices.

Snack Foods that start with U

Utz Potato Chips

Utz potato chips are known for their salt and vinegar flavor.

Utz Potato Chips

Utz Potato Chips

Umaibo (Japanese corn snack)

Umaibo is a Japanese snack food that comes in many different flavors such as cheese, ebi (shrimp), salami, and bacon.

Utz Bac’n Pieces Original

Utz Bac’n Pieces Original are pieces of bacon covered in a barbecue-flavored coating.

Ume by the Sea

Ume by the Sea is a Japanese snack made of dried uni. It can be sliced and eaten raw or it can be soaked in water for 30 minutes before eating.


Usubeni is squid rings that are flavored with miso.

Usugiri (Japan)

Usugiri is a kind of seashell covered in white fat, similar to calamari. The habanero pepper may be added to make it spicy.

Utz Milk Chocolate Cashew

Utz Milk Chocolate Cashew is a substitute for peanut butter cups. The combination of chocolate and nuts is very popular with many people.

Utz Milk Chocolate Cashew

Utz Milk Chocolate Cashew

Utz Strawberry Shortcake

Utz Strawberry Shortcake is a flavored corn puff that has strawberry flavoring on the outside.

Utz Pretzel Sticks in Sea Salt and Vinegar Flavor

Utz pretzel sticks are very similar to other pretzel products but have an added vinegar flavor.

Utz Munchies

Utz Munchies are potato chips originally developed as a cheese flavor. The chips can also be flavored with jalapeno, sour cream & onion, and salt & vinegar.

Cocktail Recipes that start with U

Ume Cosmopolitan

The Ume Cosmopolitan is a cocktail made with vodka, triple sec, lime juice, and plum wine.

Ume Cosmopolitan

Ume Cosmopolitan

Umeboshi Cooler

The Umeboshi Cooler is a cocktail made with umeboshi and vodka.

Usugiri Martini

The Usugiri Martini is a cocktail that has three ingredients: usugiri sake, vodka, and shiso leaf liqueur.

Ume Sake

Ume Sake is a Japanese style of sake that is made from sake grapes with a very strong flavor. The sake can be served as a soft drink as well as its stronger-tasting cousin, the umeboshi sake.

Ume Sour

The Ume Sour is a cocktail that has vodka, triple sec, lime juice, and plum wine as its main ingredients.

Ume Sour

Ume Sour


Ume-Shu is a Japanese drink that is made from ume (Japanese plum) and shochu (a distilled spirit). It is commonly served ice cold in a small glass-like wine.

Umeboshi Sour

The Umeboshi Sour is a cocktail that is made with ume (Japanese plum) and vodka. It is commonly served ice cold in a small glass-like wine.

Umeshu Cocktail

The Ume-Shu Cocktail is a Japanese drink that is made from ume (Japanese plum) and shochu (a distilled spirit). It is commonly served ice cold in a small glass-like wine.


The Ume-Lassi is a cocktail that is made with ume (Japanese plum) and yogurt. It is commonly served ice cold in a small glass-like wine.



Umeshu Cup

Ume-Shu Cup is either a cocktail or a shot depending on whether it is served in a small glass or in a shot glass. The ingredients for the cocktail are plum wine and shochu while the ingredients for the shot are plum wine and vodka.

Drinks that start with U

Umeboshi Juice

Umeboshi juice is made from umeboshi, shochu, and simple syrup. The mixture is then slowly heated and mixed together to make the perfect drink.

Ume Soda

Ume soda is a Japanese drink that has umeboshi and shochu as its main ingredients. The drink can be served with soda water or a squeeze of lemon juice.

Ume Soda

Ume Soda


Ume-Noda is a Japanese drink that is made from ume, sake, and shochu. It can be served with soda water or a squeeze of lemon juice.


Ume-Shiso is a Japanese drink that is made from ume, sake, and shiso leaves. It can be served with soda water or a squeeze of lemon juice.


Ume-Shochu is a Japanese drink that is made from ume (Japanese plum) and shochu. It can be served with soda water or a squeeze of lemon juice. 

Ume Stone Sour

The Ume Stone Sour is a cocktail that has vodka, triple sec, lemon juice, and plum wine as its main ingredients.

Ume Yuzu Lemonade

The Ume Yuzu Lemonade is a Japanese drink that is made with ume, shochu, and yuzu lemonade. The drink can be served with soda water or a squeeze of lemon juice.

Ume Yuzu Lemonade

Ume Yuzu Lemonade

Ume-Shiso Cooler

The Ume-Shiso Cooler is a Japanese drink that is made from ume, sake, and shiso leaves. It can be served with soda water or a squeeze of lemon juice.

Ume-Shiso Soda

The Ume-Shiso Soda is a Japanese drink that is made from ume, sake, and shiso leaves. It can be served with soda water or a squeeze of lemon juice.

Ume-Shiso Highball

The Ume-Shiso Highball is a Japanese drink that is made from ume, sake, and shiso leaves. It can be served with soda water or a squeeze of lemon juice.

Healthy Foods that start with U

Udon Noodles

Udon noodles are thick wheat flour noodles popular in Japan, especially in the summertime when chilled udon can be served with dipping sauces.

Umeboshi Egg Drop Soup

Umeboshi egg drop soup is a Japanese soup that is made with cooked egg and ume. Served hot or cold, the soup can be enjoyed by either group. It’s best if it’s served chilled because of the bitterness of the ume pearls in the soup.

Umeboshi Egg Drop Soup

Umeboshi Egg Drop Soup


Uoiko is a popular snack food from Japan. It’s a type of cracker that is made from wheat gluten and soybean flour. They are also often coated in ume powder to give the crackers a sweet flavor.

Umeboshi Pudding

Umeboshi pudding is a Japanese pudding that is made with cooked ume. The pudding can be served hot or cold with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

Umeboshi Mandarin Jelly Fritters

Umeboshi jelly fritters are soft-inside mini pancakes filled with ume.


Ume-Soba is a Japanese food that is made from cooked ume. It’s best if it’s served chilled because of the bitterness of the ume pearls in the soup.



Ui-Boshi-Jiru is a Japanese food that is made from cooked ume. The season determines if it should be served hot or cold.

Umeboshi Tofu

Umeboshi Tofu is a type of marinated tofu that is made with ume and soy sauce. It’s often eaten with rice and miso soup for dinner or lunch in Japan.

Umeboshi Pancakes

Umeboshi pancakes are pancakes that are flavored with ume. They’re popular both as a snack or for dinner at home in Japan.

Umeboshi Steamed Eggs

Umeboshi Steamed Eggs are eggs that have been cooked in ume and soy sauce. They’re commonly eaten as a side dish to rice with miso soup at home or for lunch in Japan.

Umeboshi Steamed Eggs

Umeboshi Steamed Eggs

Vegetarian dishes that start with U

Umeboshi Soup (Umeshu)

Umeboshi soup is a vegetarian dish that is made from umeboshi, dashi stock, and tofu. It’s often served as the main dish of a dinner meal in Japan.

Ume-Shiitake Tofu

Ume-Shiitake Tofu is a vegetarian dish that is made from ume, shiitake mushrooms, and tofu. It’s often eaten as the main dish of a dinner meal in Japan.

Ui-Fried Rice

Ui-Fried Rice is a vegetarian dish that is made from ume, shiitake mushrooms, and rice. It’s often eaten as the main dish of a dinner meal in Japan.

Ui-Fried Rice

Ui-Fried Rice

Umeboshi & Hijiki Stir Fry

Umeboshi and hijiki stir fry is a vegetarian dish that is made from ume (, hijiki seaweed, tofu, kombu seaweed, and soy sauce.

Ume-Kombu Stew

Ume-Kombu Stew is a vegetarian dish that is made from ume, kombu seaweed, tofu, and soy sauce.

Utah Scones

Utah Scones are scones that are topped with umeboshi jam and shoyu syrup. The scones can also be steamed or baked. Both hot and cold versions are available. It’s often eaten with rice and miso soup for dinner or lunch.

Urad Dal

Urad dal is a type of legume that is commonly cooked in Japan. The beans are usually boiled with vegetables and other spices for a delicious dish.

Ume-Shiso Soup

Ume-Shiso Soup is a vegetarian dish that is made from ume, shiso leaves, tofu, and shiitake mushrooms. It can either be served cold or hot depending on the season. 

Ume-Shiso Soup

Ume-Shiso Soup

Urfa Pepper Flakes

Urfa Pepper Flakes are flakes made from Urfa pepper. They are commonly used to add flavor to vegetarian dishes, especially rice and pasta dishes.


Usal is a vegetarian Thailand dish that is made from broccoli, cabbage, carrots, green beans, tofu, soy sauce, and chilies. 

Desserts that start with U

Upside Down Cake

Upside Down Cake is like a cake that’s upside down. It’s made of flour, sugar, and egg whites. The egg white mixture makes it possible to create a cake that’s upside down because of the foam that develops during baking.

Upside Down Cake


Ustipci is a Croatian dessert that is made with puff pastry and fruit. It’s very popular throughout Croatia and each region usually has its own type of Ustipci.

Uzay Helvasi

Uzay Helvasi – Uzay helva, which literally means “space helva”, is a traditional Turkish dessert that consists of sesame seeds, mastic gum, and sugar.

Urbanite Ice Cream

Urbanite Ice Cream is an organic ice cream that has only four ingredients. They are whole milk, cream, cane sugar, and egg yolks. The egg yolks are typically added to give the ice cream body and richness

Urbanite Ice Cream

Ube Halaya

Ube Halaya is a Filipino dessert that consists of coconut scraps that are cooked with ube (purple yam), salt, and sugar. The juice that’s created is then poured over grated cassava which is known as tiyagang.

Unagi Kaisen Sushi

Unagi Kaisen Sushi is a popular sweet sushi roll from Japan. It’s made by putting unagi (freshwater eel) inside the sushi roll to create an eel-shaped piece of sushi.

Unde Rilakkuma

Unde Rilakkuma is a Japanese red rice cake that is made from tapioca flour and red beans. It’s popular in Japan and you can find it in many candy and ice cream shops there.

Unde Rilakkuma

Unde Rilakkuma


Utap is a type of puree made from taro root. It is also known as taro tapioca, taro pudding, and sago pudding. It can be made with scraped taro root or with the whole root.

Uta Ham Ham

Uta Ham-Ham is another name for meat jelly or meat jam that’s also commonly used to refer to the food product itself.

Urroz Sabor Peruano

Urroz Sabor Peruano – Urroz sabor peruano is a type of Peruvian rice pudding. It’s made from rice, milk, cinnamon, raisins, and sugar.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed this article and that it helps you identify the foods that start with u. If you feel like I missed a few, please leave a comment below and I will update the article. 

You can see the details of the foods corresponding to each letter in the table below:

Foods that start with the letter A Foods that start with the letter B Foods that start with the letter C Foods that start with the letter D
Foods that start with the letter E Foods that start with the letter F Foods that start with the letter G Foods that start with the letter H
Foods that start with the letter I Foods that start with the letter J Foods that start with the letter K Foods that start with the letter L
Foods that start with the letter M Foods that start with the letter N Foods that start with the letter O Foods that start with the letter P
Foods that start with the letter Q Foods that start with the letter R Foods that start with the letter S Foods that start with the letter T
Foods that start with the letter U Foods that start with the letter V Foods that start with the letter W Foods that start with the letter X
Foods that start with the letter Y Foods that start with the letter Z

source https://food4kitchen.com/foods-that-start-with-u/

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